Build You Own Load Balancer
This challenge is to build your own application layer load balancer.
This challenge is to build your own application layer load balancer.
A DNS Forwarder is a nameserver used to resolve DNS queries instead of directly using the authoritative nameserver chain. Often they are used to sit on the edge of a local area network and provide DNS resolution to the computers on the network, reducing external traffic and speeding up external access by serving the answer from a local cache.
This challenge is to build your own DNS Resolver.
This challenge is to build your own version of Docker.
This challenge is to build your own HTTP Proxy Server. A proxy is a server that sits between a client that wants to get a resource and a server that provides the resource.
This challenge is to build your own Memcached server. Memcached is a free, open source, high-performance, distributed memory object caching system. It is intended for use in speeding up dynamic web applications by reducing database load.
This challenge is to build your own version of the Message Oriented Middleware NATS.
This challenge is to build your own Redis Server.
This challenge is to build your own version of Linux tool strace. It’s a useful tool to debug programs that you don’t have the source code for.
This challenge is to build your own basic web server.