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25 docs tagged with "beginner"

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Build Your Own Chrome Extension

This challenge is to build your own Chrome extension. Chrome extensions are a software programs that extends the functionality of the Google Chrome web browser. They are typically written in HTML, CSS, and JavaScript, and they modify or enhance the browser’s functionality in some way.

Build Your Own head

This challenge is to build your own version of the Unix command line tool head. It’s a great challenge for beginners and those new to the Unix command line tools.

Build Your Own Password Cracker

This challenge is to build your own version of John the Ripper or CrackStation. These are password cracking tools that can be used to recover passwords, by penetration testers and of course bad guys.

Build Your Own Pastebin

This challenge is to build your own version of a Pastebin. A pastebin is a text storage site that allows users to store plain text in order to share it with other people.

Build Your Own Pong

For as long as I have been interested in programming, programmers have been learning by building computer games. Many of us start with Pong and over time progress to either copying other more complex games, building our own from scratch or customising existing games.

Build Your Own Sed

This challenge is to build your own version of the Unix command line tool sed (short for Stream Editor)!

Build Your Own Spell Checker Using A Bloom Filter

This challenge is to build your own micro spell checker. The goal is to create a spell checker that can determine if a word is probably spelt correctly without having to store the full list of words. Thus the spell checker can use less storage (disk or memory). A task that is much less relevant these days, but 20 years ago was incredibly useful on low storage devices.

Build Your Own Spotify Playlist Backup Service

This challenge is to build your own Spotify backup tool. It’s inspired by my kids who wanted to ensure they can backup and move their playlists that they’ve spent ages curating. They’re not the only people who had this problem and we’re not the first to solve it.

Build Your Own Tar

This challenge is to build your own version of tar. Tar is a Unix command line tool that was designed as a utility to collect multiple files into one archive for backup purposes. It was first released in 1979 when the normal backup medium was magnetic tape, hence tar acquired it’s name as shortening of “tape archive”.

Build Your Own Tetris

For as long as I have been interested in programming, programmers have been learning by building computer games. Many of us started by building our own Pong and over time progress to either copying other more complex games, building our own game from scratch or customising existing games.

Build Your Own Xxd

This challenge is to build your own version of xxd. Xxd is a Unix command line tool to create hexdumps and to convert a hexdump back into it’s binary form.